Designed for therapists, counsellors, parenting groups, or friends and family of parents who survived childhood trauma. Follow four parents, each with a history of childhood trauma, as they learn why they react to their own children in ways they wish they didn't. This DVD and 80-page Study guide uses easy to follow graphics and animation, as well as day-to-day parenting scenarios, to show what happens in the brain when we are triggered, and practical tools to help parents shift their parenting styles away from the cycle of trauma, or for friends and family to help parents move past inter-generational trauma. The film teaches by showing, and not by didactic "lecturing". Many key points are shown but not commented upon specifically with words in the film. The study guide is designed to help facilitators understand these points, and incorporate them into their work with parents or trauma survivors. It also explains key points on how to hold a showing. See "Reaching Past the Cycle of Trauma Film Series" in this website for further details. If paying by credit card, press the "Place Order" button under Paypal, and then there will be a choice ... on top will be the option to pay with paypal. To pay by credit card without paypal, scroll to the very bottom. There will be button "pay with a credit or Visa debit card". Press that button and there will be a new screen that allows you to pay with either Mastercard, Visa, Discover or American Express.